Monday, June 1, 2020

Communication, Communication, Communication...

Yes, I know, this triple-mentioned word statement often feels overused. But I remember well the slogan in the real estate business that was coined many years ago "location, location, location" ... it seems very fitting here also to express the importance of communication.

I never run out of new stories about communication and miscommunication that take place in every aspect of our lives, in our everyday living, whether it be on the personal, business and professional level.  I could write about them every day.

Right now, I'm finding myself in a new area of communication and that is within the medical care system. The amount of miscommunication that takes place between doctors and patients and nurses and doctors, etc... and I've been gathering all of that over the last week, having to go through the system as a caregiver to my husband's health situation.

It seems that every day there is some new experience, some new story about the flaws of people communicating to one another.  Even our own communication to others. How many times have you said something to someone only to regret not having clarified a certain aspect about the meaning of what you were trying to relay?

I will be writing about these starting tomorrow as I make a list of those situations I've encountered in the last week and those I seem to be coming across in the daily routines of life. Hopefully we all learn from this and use the knowledge to make things easier for all of us.

Talk to you again soon,

Diane Hoffmann


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